I really regret that workout

My goal is for our workout to be something you look forward to, not something you dread. I’ll meet you at your intensity level, but occasionally move you out of your comfort zone. There are times to reach harder and other times where you attempt to just maintain and move. Energy levels fluctuate as we move through life.  The important thing is to keep moving. Consistency is the key to achieving your goals, not intensity.

At Your First Appointment

Our first meeting will include some goal setting, assessing, planning and of course a workout.  The purpose of the 1st appointment is to figure out what you have done, where you are and where you want to go.  Things that we will cover include:
Discuss Exercise History:  What you liked and didn’t, what has worked for you in the past, or maybe there is no history at all.  No judgment just collecting information so we can develop a plan of action

Discuss Injuries, aches and pains:  Current and past.  I want to know if you broke your ankle playing scrabble when you were 5.  It all can impact your current state.

Discuss Goals:  What are your expectations of our workouts?  How do you envision things going?  Besides wanting to look like the people on the cover of those magazines.

Do an Assessment:  I’ll put you through some movements to see how your body works.  From these movements I can see what you are good at, but also what needs improvement.  Nobody is perfect, we all have stuff to work on.  The assessment can help you understand why your body feels the way it does.  This is the part where goals can change a bit.

Do a workout:  The assessment and the workout will have overlap.  The assessment is after all comprised of exercises.  I will be conservative with the workout on this first day.  Part of the process is seeing how your body responds to the workout.

Longer Term

Consistency and work over the long haul is key. As you get stronger and more fit, we will continuously tailor your workouts to keep you moving forward.