
(60 years young)


"I love working out with Ben!  He has kept me in great shape for 13 years.  Over that time he’s been very attentive to both my goals and my limitations, so that I’ve managed to improve in cardio-vascular performance, overall strength and general mobility without getting injured or aggravating existing injuries.  He’s also brought me back to my best fitness level after two surgeries.  Our workouts are interesting and fun, and I leave the gym feeling that I’ve worked every part of my body.  I value these workouts now more than ever because I believe they’re helping me stay vigorous and functional even as I get “older”.  And Ben is a great guy – I thoroughly enjoy him as my friend as well as my trainer."


(46 years young)

"Ben is awesome.  I'm reasonably active (a couple of soccer games per week and a couple of short runs), so my time in the gym with Ben is great for rounding out my overall fitness and to help with flexibility and strength for injury prevention.  He devises fun but challenging goals and workouts, and is extremely positive.  He's the best trainer I've ever worked with."


(46 years young)

"Ben is a great trainer.  Some qualities I really appreciate: (a) the workouts vary every single time and never get boring (b) Ben is very encouraging and good at keeping me motivated; I never get the urge to skip a workout (c) He is very good at customizing the program to deal with injuries."


I’m in significant better overall shape than before and have been able to manage my chronic injuries much better than before. In particular I’ve been so far able to postpone a nasty surgery indication for 6 years.

Ben is knowledgeable and has great attention to detail and form. Under his supervision I feel more comfortable about pushing myself safely, and less likely to get injured. He is able to adapt our routine to work around any limitations I might have at any given time, and continue to make progress.


My husband started working out with Ben to stay in shape and recover from a shoulder injury.  The results and benefits were obvious, and after a few months, I said: “I want to do this too”.

Staying in shape, increased strength, flexibility and balance.  I also play tennis, and I feel that working out with Ben has helped me stay injury-free

Ben is very nice and a great trainer.  I am continually impressed with his expertise.  He really customizes the workout based on what each person needs.   When I compare notes with my husband, we often find that our workouts are very different.  Ben is very easy to work with, and we appreciate his responsiveness about scheduling.


Here’s my Ben pitch:  Ben is an excellent trainer.  He works with you at your fitness level and then adjusts as he sees you improve.  He always keeps it interesting and knows when to push you harder and when not to.  Plus we have fun conversations during the workout so it goes by much faster.


I feel so much stronger and have developed more balance in my muscles.  I’ve lost a few pounds.  My bone density has remained steady.  You’ll never be bored working out with Ben.  His repertoire of exercises in truly amazing.  He’ll challenge you and work you hard every time, but he also extremely kind, flexible, and professional.  He’ll make sure your workouts address your concerns.  I like how he encourages me to push myself while always making safety and good form a priority.


I’ve been working out with Ben for almost 8 years now on a weekly basis and I have nothing but positive things to say. He’s been exceptionally good about designing a workout for my particular needs and goals, pushing me hard while carefully working around some injuries and pain. He’s incredibly attentive, making sure I’m using the correct form on everything. In addition, his personality is such that he’s just incredibly fun and motivating to work with. Highly recommended!


I started seeing Ben 10  years ago and would’ve quit by now except for the fact that he’s exceptionally creative, continues to challenge me with new things, is particularly great about working around previous injuries. He’s on the ball about making sure your form is good during a workout and makes it fun to boot. I’ve recommended Ben to about half a dozen friends who’ve all been extremely happy as well. In short – Ben’s a super-star – highly recommended!


I think Ben has helped me most in thinking more deeply about how my different muscle groups work together and you give me a great foundation for my overall fitness.  Working out with you helps focus my other workouts as well so I am more productive and purposeful (something that was lacking or variable in its consistency before).


I had been running for a pretty long time, and doing some working out, but had never really had a consistent fitness routine. I wanted something foundational that I could build on top of, and that would be consistent over the years. And I knew a number of my friends were finding working with Ben to be extremely valuable.

My core is way stronger and more balanced than it’s ever been. More than that, though, I now have an understanding of what my baseline fitness should be, how the muscle groups work together, and really a lot better idea of what needs work from month to month and how to do it. It’s a great foundation to my overall fitness.

Since I injured my shoulder (not while working out!) and had subsequent surgery to repair it, I’ve found the core work we’ve done over the years to be extremely helpful – it’s helped me to isolate my shoulder when doing rehab work, and the muscle groups around it and supporting it have all stayed more fit. That’s meant that I’ve had a better than expected surgery rehab, especially for someone who’s nearly forty.