"I really regret that workout."

- Said nobody...ever!

I want to create something that is sustainable.  Consistency wins everytime.  If you do 100 workouts per year, is it better to do 2 workouts per week throughout the entire year or do them all in Jan, Feb and March?  The answer seems pretty clear to me.  At the end of the year the 2x per weeker is in way better shape than the streaky worker outer.  The all or nothing mentality has to be overcome.

Exercise has to be worked into your lifestyle in a way that is sustainable.  The intensity, volume and time requirements have to match your lifestyle.  Not everybody wants to workout like a prize fighter.  Not everybody loves exercise and just can’t get enough of it.  Not everybody has 3 hours to workout per day.  That’s where I come in.  We can work on a plan that fits you.  Fits all the above, plus past injuries or pain.  I will listen to you, we will work together.

Individual Goals and Why They Matter

The goal for most people is to look and feel better.  How you get there is where the individualization occurs.  We are all unique beings, our energy levels and ability to concentrate vary day to day.  How our body reacts to exercise varies, the amount of discomfort you are willing to tolerate varies.  You need a plan that fits you and your lifestyle