Is the Paleo Diet Right for You?

Often times when I mention the Paleo Diet, I either get eager believers or an eye roll.  Not much middle ground.  The link below seems to be a very neutral presentation of the facts.  I don’t agree or live by all that is paleo, but the diet has helped a lot of people become healthier.  The elimination of processed foods from your diet can do wonders.  No cake!  No beer!  No chips!  No Cookies!  This would help all of us with our health and well being.  What I believe is best for most people is : 1.  Eat vegetables with high quality protein most of the time.  Vegetables will never lose, they will always be in fashion. 2.   Avoid processed foods.  Healthy food doesn’t live in a cardboard box.  If it doesn’t rot or mold…think twice about eating it. 3.  Don’t wait for the ultimate eating plan!  There is none.  Start making healthy decisions right now.  Take action.  Why wait for Monday…or one last meal? 4.  Don’t drink your calories.  Eat fruit, don’t drink fruit juice.  Stay away from all soda and limit alcohol. 5.  Stay active, get outside and get plenty of sleep.  Activity and sleep will support good decision making.  Anxiety and sleep deprivation may lead you to junk food and overeating.  The dark side of the force… Click the link below for information about pros and cons of Paleo.

Pros and Cons of Paleo